Majored in Architecture and Urban Planning, in Brazil. I worked as an Interior Designer for a few years, before deciding to make a big change and move to Sweden. I started working on smaller graphic and web design projects for fun. Driven by curiosity, I started studying UX Design, and noticed how similar the creation process was. After all, what I love to do most is create something people would use and enjoy. So my skills combined perfectly together. And that's how I decided to fully emerge myself into the digital world and become a UX Designer.
What makes me thrive in life is experimenting with new things, taking different paths, and learning from each process. I enjoy doing design challenges, such as daily UI and hackathons. You will always find me switching between design, photography, embroidery, or anything else that pops into my mind and I decide to learn. All my interests and experiences have led me to gain visual design skills, as well as research skills to create better products.
What makes me thrive in life is experimenting with new things, taking different paths, and learning from each process. I enjoy doing design challenges, such as daily UI and hackathons. You will always find me switching between design, photography, embroidery, or anything else that pops into my mind and I decide to learn. All my interests and experiences have led me to gain visual design skills, as well as research skills to create better products.
How I Work
Curiosity always plays a big part in my creation process. I research to understand peoples' behavior, how they use something, and why, before starting prototyping.
Ideate & Test
I believe that a good product results from trying, trying again, and testing. I enjoy the whole process of Design, and I am particularly fond of visuals and prototyping.
My experiences led me to gain and improve my User-Centered design skills. My work focuses on thoughtful creation of the experience people will have.
Team Player
I like to define myself as a people person. Working in a team excites me, as it opens my mind to new ideas, possibilities and find problems I could not see on my own. I thrive in cross-functional and multicultural teams.
What I do for fun